Privacy Policy

Thank you for visiting We collect your personal information to provide you a customized marketing program for the buying and selling of real estate, to improve your experience with, and to better serve you – our valued customer.
At RealtyHive, we appreciate your use of our websites and mobile application, as well as our other properties and/or related services (known collectively as the “services,” or each individually, a “Service”.) We are committed to protecting your personal information. Please read our privacy policy to better understand the information we collect, how we use it and/or disclose it.
We are committed to protecting your personal information. By visiting this Site, using our services and/or registering for an account with us, you consent to our collection and use of your personal information. If you do not agree to our Privacy Policy, please do not use the Site or our services. From time to time we may update our Privacy Policy, and you should revisit it to be aware of any changes that are made.
1. Site means the Internet site located at the URL address
2. User means any person or entity that accesses or uses the Site in any manner.
3. RealtyHive means RealtyHive, LLC, its employees, officers, directors, and all other persons or entities affiliated with MICOLEY.COM responsible for creating, maintaining, and publishing the Site.

RealtyHive Collects and Stores The Following Information.
Information you voluntarily provide to REALTYHIVE. For example, you voluntarily provide information to us, for example, without limitation:
Identifying information such as your name, address, telephone number, email address when you register a user account
Content you general or that is related to bidding, buying, selling and / or marketing of real estate through your use of your account
Financial information you provide relating to any of your transactions
The Services use “Cookie” “web beacons” and other similar services to better pay attention to your preferences and how you and other users navigate through the site. “Cookies” are small files that websites store on a user’s computer or device. The Services use cookies for various purposes, including keep information you enter on various pages together as well as to place advertisements for our products and services and those of third parties on our Site and third-party sites. We may use cookies to connect your activity on the Services with other information we store about you in your account profile or previous interactions on the Services to, eg., store your preferences, as well as advertise to you based on your interests both on our site, as well as on third-party sites and mobile apps where you may visit. To support this interest based advertising solution, we, and companies who we have contracted with, may use non-personally identifiable information about your visits to our and other websites. The information collect does not enable any third-party to identify or contact you individually without appropriate notice or consent. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, however you may set your brower to block certain cookies (check your particular browser instructions on how to do this). Although it is our hope that you find the display of advertising to you based on your non-personally identifying browsing interests valuable, if you would prefer not to participate in the services offered through these solutions, you can always opt-out of this activity by visiting the Network Advertising
Initiative (NAI) website by visiting managing/opt_out.asp. Please keep in mind that your web browser may not permit you to block the use of these non-cookie technologies, and those browser settings that block cookies may have no effect on such techniques. To learn more about Interest-Based Advertising, please visit the NAI’s website( Please note, blocking cookies may interfere with functionality and access to certain content on the Services.

REALTYHIVE Uses This Information
To create and maintain your account
To list, market, auction, and sell property
To increase the success of our customized marketing programs
For administrative and operational purposes
To notify you of relevant products and services
To notify you of updates to the Site
To maintain user and real estate databases.

Distribution of Information Gathered Through the Site
RealtyHive will not release a User’s personal information to anyone outside RealyHive without obtaining the User’s consent, or as necessary to assist you as part of a transaction, or for information that we are legally required to gather and/or report to government agencies. General information may be released to third parties without the User’s consent. General information may also be distributed publicly in various articles and reports.

Distribution Of Contact Information
RealtyHive does not share, sell, or trade forms of contact information (for example, email addresses, street address, phone numbers).

Credit Information
Credit information provided to us when you make payments by credit card or electronic check for products or services will only be used to process the transactions you request. This information will be provided to and maintained by reputable credit reporting databases, but will never be sold, shared or provided to other third parties.

Cancellation of Communications or Services
Some general information gathered on the site is used to identify persons to whom various communications or advertisements may be sent by RealtyHive or third parties. In the event that a User wishes to cancel future communications or advertisements from RealtyHive, they may do so by contacting us.

This Site’s Policy on Correcting, Updating and Deleting Information
Users may correct, update or delete information previously provided to the site or otherwise maintained in databases by updating your RealtyHive account information. Records that RealtyHive is required by law to maintain, if any, may be corrected or updated by Users, but may not be deleted.

RealtyHive is based in the United States and you acknowledge that the information we collect is governed by U.S. law. By accessing or using the Services or otherwise providing information to us, you consent to the processing, transfer and storage of information in the United States, and in other jurisdictions.

Contacting Us
If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this Web site, you may contact us by:
Sending an email to: [email protected].
Calling the following telephone number: 920-617-9122
Writing to: RealtyHive, LLC, 445 Cardinal Lane, Suite 102, Green Bay, WI 54313

Change of Ownership
In the event that we are subject to a possible acquisition or merger with another company, we may share information with that company subject to confidentiality agreements to insure that any use of that information complies with our Privacy Policy.